ALIM Web Help

To Examine Forthcoming Tasks

Follow these steps to examine forthcoming tasks.

  1. Open the Work Exchange folder, and then expand the Forthcoming folder.
  2. From the Actions menu, locate and then select the task that you want to examine. The task details appear in the Content pane. For example,
  3. From the Actions menu, you can select the following actions:
    • Add Note – To add a note to the task
    • Add to Folder – To place a copy of the task into any accessible folder, such as Favorites, for example.
      Note: Clicking Workflow from the Task menu displays the parent workflow in the Content pane, and the Cancel and Suspend options are available in the Workflow menu.
    • Add to Basket – To add a note to your Basket
    • Send Email – To send an email
    • Edit – To edit the task.